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- TEAM | Noory
Martijn Everts Chief executive officer Fleur Pasman Chief Operating Officer Clinical dietitian & entrepreneur Bernadette Dijkhuizen-Keogh Product Owner Tim Wedde Software & A.I E ngineer Machine learning & digital architecture expert Rob Mulder Senior App Developer Experienced software developer Colette Broere Business Administrator Giulia Finotto Nutrition Content Manager Food technologist Vicky Dimcevska Nutrition Content Manager Registered dietitian and nutrition expert Lauri Lujala Lead Software Engineer Artificial Intelligence expert Casper Meijer Tech Lead Experienced software developer Antonio Mattia Arbues Full Stack Developer Experienced in Product Design Alex Lead Software Engineer Steven Vogelaar Information Security Manager Sara Maljkovic Account Executive Business Developer Farid Benhaimoud Android Developer Experienced Android app developer
- Plans & Pricing | Noory
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- Diets | Noory
Diets These are the baseline diets available via Noory: Reduced fat Healthy eating Reduced calories Healthy Eating A nutritionally balanced diet based on the UK Eatwell Guide and suitable for all individuals Read more Reduced Calories A lower-calorie diet suitable for individuals aiming to loose weight Read more Reduced Fat A lower-fat diet which prioritises healthier fats and is suitable for individuals wanting to improve cardiovascular health Read more Mediterranean A nutritionally balanced diet rich in healthy fats that is suitable for individuals wanting to eat healthy according to Mediterranean principles Read more Low Salt A diet that limits salt intake and is especially suitable for indviduals with high blood pressure Read more Mediterranean Low salt Diets that limit animal products The personalisation options for all diets are endless! Vegan This is a fully plant-based diet Vegetarian This diet includes eggs and dairy products, and does not include meat or fish Lacto-vegetarian This diet includes dairy products and does not include eggs, meat or fish Vegan Vegetarian Lacto-vegetarian Read more Read more Read more Ovo-vegetarian This diet includes eggs and does not include dairy products, meat or fish Pescatarian This diet includes fish, eggs, and dairy products, but does not include meat Ovo-vegetarian Pescatarian Read more Read more
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- MY STORY | Noory
Our organisation For healthcare professionals For consumers and patients Enabling better food choices to improve health and wellbeing Meet the team behind Noory! With in-depth knowledge of nutrition , user experience and Artificial Intelligence we have the essential ingredients needed to make Noory the ultimate personal nutrition guide. Martijn Everts CEO Fleur Pasman Chief Operating Officer Clinical dietitian & entrepreneur Vicky Dimcevska Nutrition Content Manager Registered dietitian and nutrition expert Meet the entire team!
- Your Digital Nutrition Guide | Noory.com
Hi, I'm Noory Your personal nutrition guide Try Noory Secure data storage Based on your unique needs and preferences, I provide you with tailored meal plans that align with your goals. Stop worrying about what to eat & start feeling empowered. Did you receive an invite from your healthcare professional? Your healthcare professional sent you an invitation for Noory with your personal QR code. Scan this code to complete setting up your profile and log in. Login Or are you using Noory on your own? Start exploring the possibilities and have Noory create your first meal plan instantly. Discover Noory Try Noory now This is what I can do for you I securely store your dietary needs and preferences Once you have set up your Noory profile, I keep your preferences in a convenient dashboard, which you can easily access and adjust as desired. Try Noory I automatically adapt recipes Based on your personal profile, I swap in the optimal ingredients. Your recipes are tailored by me to accommodate your needs. Try Noory I create meal plans I provide you with daily and weekly meal plans as well as a food diary. This way you can easily align your nutritional intake with your personal needs. Try Noory I show how a meal matches your nutritional needs See the nutritional values of a meal and where they deviate from your needs. Try Noory Let me support you in reaching your goals! Manage your food allergies and intolerances Improve your gut health Manage your weight Live a healthier lifestyle Live a more sustainable lifestyle Learn more! Get in touch!
Terms and Conditions These Terms and Conditions were last updated on 21 March, 2024 1. Definitions The definitions indicated in capital letters have the following meaning in these General Terms and Conditions: 1.1 Account: The personal registration with which the User accesses the Service, consisting of the User's name, e-mail address and password. If desired, the User can also fill in a Noory Nutrition Profile. 1.2 General Terms and Conditions: these general terms and conditions of the private limited liability company Verdi Food B.V., established at Villafloraweg 1, 5928SZ, Venlo, The Netherlands and registered under Chamber of Commerce number 70122296, also with the trade name Verdify. 1.3 Devices: the devices on which Content can be displayed, as stated on the Website(s). 1.4 Content: digital material published on the Website(s) and/or transmitted to the User on the basis of his Noory Nutrition Profile and/or nutrition information, such as text, images, photographs and films, which mainly relate to, but are not limited to, recipes, nutritional information and advice and health information and advice. 1.5 Service: service that enables Users to use Content from Verdi Food, solely for use in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. 1.6 User: the natural person who has concluded or wishes to conclude an Agreement with Verdi Food aimed at using the Service. 1.7 Agreement: the contract whereby Verdi Food grants the User access to the Service. 1.8 Privacy statement(s): one or both of Verdi Food's privacy statements, which can be accessed via [hyperlink privacy statement] (Verdify) and [hyperlink privacy statement](Swapmeals). 1.9 Verdi Food: the user of these Terms and Conditions. 1.10 Noory Nutrition Profile: nutrition profile of the user that Verdi Food generates based on information that the User makes available to Verdi Food for the purpose of generating personalized Content. 1.11 Website(s): one or both of Verdi Food's websites, which can be accessed via https://www.verdify.co.uk ("Verdify") and https://www.noory.com ("Noory") and via https://www.swapmeals.com ("Swapmeals"). 2. Applicability 2.1 These General Terms and Conditions apply to every offer made by Verdi Food and to any Agreement between Verdi Food and the User with respect to the Service. 2.2 Before an Agreement is concluded, Verdi Food makes the text of these General Terms and Conditions available to the User electronically in such a way that the User can easily store them on a data carrier. If this is not reasonably possible, Verdi Food will indicate, before an Agreement is concluded, where the General Terms and Conditions can be read electronically and that it will send a copy free of charge at the request of the User. 2.3 Verdi Food reserves the right to make changes to these General Terms and Conditions from time to time. The most up-to-date version of the General Terms and Conditions can always be consulted on the Website. 2.4 The nullity of any provision of these General Terms and Conditions does not affect the validity of the other provisions thereof. 3. Offer and conclusion of the agreement 3.1 Offers by Verdi Food are without obligation, unless explicitly stated otherwise. 3.2 Verdi Food bases its offer on the data provided by or on behalf of the User. User cannot derive any rights from, or object to, an offer based on the incorrect or incomplete information provided by or on behalf of the User. 3.3 An Agreement regarding the Service is concluded by creating an Account via the Website(s). 3.4 Agreements are concluded for an indefinite period and can be canceled at any time by deletion of the Account. 4. Nutrition Profile 4.1 After the User has created an Account, the User can create a Noory Nutrition Profile in the manner described on the Website(s). 4.2 Only persons aged 18 years and older may create an Account. 4.3 User is responsible for keeping his/her login details secret from others and User will not grant others access to the Service using his/her Account. User is liable for all actions performed through his/her Account. As soon as the User suspects that his/her account and/or identity is being used unlawfully, the User must immediately inform Verdi Food thereof. In response, Verdi Food will block the User's Account and, at the user's first request, allow him/her to create a new Account. 5. Execution of services 5.1 Verdi Food makes the Content available to the User after the User has created an Account. 5.2 If the User has created a Noory Nutrition Profile, the Content will be tailored to this Nutrition Profile as much as possible. 5.3 Verdi Food has the right to modify the Content at any time without informing the User in advance. 5.4 Verdi Food takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure the electronic transfer of data and ensures a secure web environment. 5.5 Verdi Food will process all personal data of the User in accordance with the applicable (inter)national laws and regulations for the protection of personal data and in accordance with the applicable Privacy Statement of Verdi Food. 5.6 Verdi Food will impose its obligations under Articles 5.4 and 5.5 on third parties it engages in the performance of its services. 6. Liability and indemnifications 6.1 Verdi Food excludes any liability for direct and indirect damage in any way related to access to the Content and Website(s) or its inaccessibility, including but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions and damage to User Device, data or computer and telecommunications systems, except where these are the result of intent or deliberate recklessness on the part of Verdi Food. 6.2 Verdi Food pays continuous care and attention to the content and composition of the Content. If the User nevertheless believes that certain information is incorrect or complete, Verdi Food invites the User to make this known to Verdi Food customer service on info@verdifood.com by email, stating telephone number, after which Verdi Food will contact the User, if possible, within 24 hours of notification. 6.3 If and to the extent that Verdi Food is liable to the User for any damage suffered by the User, then this liability is limited to direct damage. 6.4 Without prejudice to the provisions of articles 6.1 – 6.3, the User is liable and indemnifies Verdi Food against all damages, (third parties) claims, liability or costs (including attorney's fees that Verdi Food has reasonably incurred) caused by: deliberate recklessness or intent on the part of the User; inaccuracies and/or incompleteness in the information provided by or on behalf of the User; all other shortcomings in the fulfillment of the User's obligations under the law or general terms and conditions. 6.5 Without prejudice to the other rights vested in it, in the event of force majeure, Verdi Food has the right, at its option, to suspend the performance of the Service, or to dissolve the Agreement without judicial intervention, without Verdi Food being obliged to pay any compensation, unless this would be unacceptable in the given circumstances according to standards of reasonableness and fairness. Force majeure is understood to mean any shortcoming that cannot be attributed to Verdi Food, because it is not due to its fault, nor is it for its account under the law, a legal act or generally accepted views. 7. Intellectual property & license 7.1 The Content as well as the Website(s) are protected by intellectual property rights belonging to Verdi Food or to its licensors. User undertakes to respect these rights and to use the Service as well as the Website(s) only as agreed in these General Terms and Conditions. 7.2 By creating an Account for the Service of Verdi Food, an Agreement is created, whereby the User of Verdi Food receives a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to view the Content in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, exclusively in a domestic circle (for personal and non-commercial use) on a Device or print. 7.3 Use of the Content other than as described in these General Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to commercial use, is not permitted, and is expressly reserved to the respective holder of the rights to the Content. 7.4 The User is not permitted to publish the Content, other than in a domestic setting, or to enable others to disclose or to record, copy, reproduce and/or deliver the Content in any way to a third party, or otherwise publish or distribute it via social media including Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. 7.5 Partly because Verdi Food is co-dependent on its licensors for the provision of the Content and regardless of any other provisions in these General Terms and Conditions, Verdi Food reserves the right to change, suspend or delete (part of) the Content at any time. Neither Verdi Food nor the licensors of Verdi Food are liable to the User or third parties if Verdi Food exercises that right. 8. Duration and termination of the agreement 8.1 The Services are offered for an indefinite period of time, unless the agreement is terminated earlier by implementing Article 8.2 or 8.3 below. 8.2 User may terminate the Agreement at any time without giving reasons by deleting the Account. Deletion of the Account makes use of the Service impossible with immediate effect. 8.3 Verdi Food may terminate the Agreement if the User does not comply with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, or Verdi Food deems it plausible that the User does not comply with them. In the event that Verdi Food terminates the Agreement towards a User, it shall inform the User in writing at the e-mail address known to Verdi Food and has the right to terminate the Service immediately. 8.4 Verdi Food will, at the request of the User, return all information and documentation it holds, including personal data, to the User upon termination of the Agreement. Personal data that is no longer necessary for the performance of the Agreement will be deleted in accordance with the applicable Privacy Statement. 9. Applicable law and disputes 9.1 These General Terms and Conditions are exclusively governed by Dutch law. 9.2 Any disputes arising out of, or in connection with, the General Terms and Conditions and which cannot be settled by mutual agreement will be submitted to the competent court in Utrecht, The Netherlands. If the User is a natural person not acting in the exercise of a profession or business, the courts of the User's domicile or, in the absence thereof, of the User's actual residence shall also be competent 9.3 If the User is a consumer, Verdi Food informs the User that pursuant to EU Regulation 524/2013 the ODR platform has been established, a European platform through which extrajudicial disputes arising from the interpretation and application of these General Terms and Conditions can be settled. Access to the ODR platform is possible through the following website: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr . Verdi Food's email address that must ultimately be provided for the use of the ODR platform is: support@verdifood.com .
- NOORYMED | Noory
Bringing nutrition to the forefront of healthcare NooryMed is a trusted nutrition management system that enables healthcare professionals to easily implement nutrition management in their daily practice, positively impacting patient care and work efficiency. NooryMed communicates with Noory, designed to empower patients in optimising their nutritional intake at home. Learn more Our trusted partners Interested in exploring NooryMed? NooryMed is currently being validated in breast cancer care, but it can be used in other therapeutic domains as well. Do you want to discover the benefits of NooryMed, while helping us optimise the system? Reach out to explore a pilot partnership! Get in touch What defines us Most powerful engine A system based on the most advanced meal personalisation engine in the world with the ability to collect, ingest and process dozens of personal data points into a fully personalised meal plan. Safe and secure A trusted and GDPR-proof approach based on medical grade standards, nutrition science and guidelines. Time and cost efficient An automated nutrition management system, minimising effort on your side as much as possible. Continuously updated A system connected with your patients for continuous monitoring of their health status and diet adherence. Learn more Interested in exploring NooryMed?
- Personalising Healthy Eating | Noory.com
Nutrition care, the smart way The shortest route to align nutritional intake with health and treatment objectives. For use at home and in healthcare settings. Get in touch Our solutions NooryMed is our trusted nutrition care system that enables healthcare professionals to easily suggest evidence-based & tailored nutrition plans to patients. Personal nutrition guide Noory supports individuals to follow tailored diet plans in the comfort of their own home. Discover Noory Discover NooryMed Our core values Evidence based information Nutrition profiles follow the applicable healthy eating and nutrition guidelines as used in dietary practice. Innovation We thrive on innovation, combining health expertise with cutting-edge technology. Transparency Full transparency is ingrained in our interaction with users and stakeholders. Privacy and end-user control We adhere to the principles of GDPR. Our users stay in control over their data. About Noory Noory has been designed to bring nutrition to the forefront of healthcare. To be used in curative settings, for pre- and rehabilitation, to reduce dietary risk factors, in healthcare prevention and for enhancing overall vitality. Noory builds on a trusted approach rooted in evidence-based practice. It has been created by a highly motivated team of professionals in life sciences, nutrition and dietetics and software engineering. More about us Meet the team The smart way to nutrition care Get in touch Learn more
- PRIVACY | Noory
Noory Privacy Statement This privacy statement was last updated on 7 August, 2024 Introduction This privacy statement explains how we collect, use, and store personal data you provide to us when using the services offered through noory.com. This statement is regularly updated. If changes are made, we will inform you and list the applied changes. We also recommend that you carefully read and understand any other notices you receive from us regarding the collection or processing of your data. To comply with the conditions set out in this privacy statement, we must be able to rely on the accuracy of the personal data we collect about you. Therefore, we kindly ask you to notify us of any changes to your personal data during our contractual relationship. When processing personal data, we commit to complying with the obligations prescribed by the GDPR and all other applicable data protection laws and regulations. What is personal data? According to Regulation 2016/679 on data protection (also known as the "General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR"), 'personal data' refers to data related to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable person is someone who can be identified, directly or indirectly, using an identifier such as a name, location data, or specific health data. This statement also provides information about our security procedures, your privacy rights (including how you can access your personal data), and the protections the law provides. Your privacy rights, as described in this privacy statement, apply to all personal data we collect based on your explicit consent or because it is necessary for the performance of the contract we have with you. We may collect your personal data when you communicate with us, for example, when you use Verdi Food services or contact customer support. Content Who are we? What data do we collect about you? For what purposes will your personal data be used and on what basis? Your legal rights Your legal rights – additional information Data retention & security Third parties receiving personal data Closure 1. Who are we? 'We' are Verdi Food B.V., active under our trade name 'Verdify' (hereinafter referred to as 'Verdi Food'). We are located at Villafloraweg 1, 5928SZ, Venlo, the Netherlands and we are registered in the trade register under number 70122296. Our websites are https://www.verdify.co.uk ; https://www.noory.com and https://www.swapmeals.com Verdi Food wants to offer customers meal inspiration that is tailored to their personal health status or health goals. For this, we offer a service that compiles personalised meal recipes according to your nutritional needs based on your Noory profile. To provide this service, we collect and use your personal data that you provide during your visit to our website(s) or mobile App. Your privacy rights, as set out in this privacy statement, apply to all of the personal data we collect, based on your expressed consent or because this is necessary for the performance of the contract we have entered with you. We may collect your personal data if you communicate with Verdi Food, for example if you use Verdi Food's services or if you contact customer support. We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who is responsible for monitoring questions related to this privacy statement and your privacy rights. For questions about this privacy statement and your privacy rights, please contact our DPO using the contact details below. We stress that the DPO has a duty of confidentiality with regard to questions and/or issues that you submit to the DPO. Contact details DPO: privacy@verdifood.com 2. What data do we collect about you? We collect the following personal data, specifically: Basic data: this includes information such as your name, email address and, if provided, your phone number. Authentication data: we collect your email address and password. We collect this data to create and manage your account and to communicate with you about our services. Technical data: through cookies or similar techniques, we collect your IP address, cookie ID, web browser, time zone and location, the web pages you have visited on our website and the promotions you have viewed or clicked through. This data helps us personalize your user experience, improve our services, and identify security risks. Health data: we collect your dietary data and other health data you provide. If you create a nutrition profile, we will collect information about your dietary preferences and dietary restrictions, ingredients you wish to avoid, food allergies, diets, your recipe preferences and dietary advice for the family ("dietary data"). In addition, we collect the following information about you in the context of your health or condition: birth date, gender, body dimensions (height, weight, and BMI), activity level and, if applicable, a possible pregnancy and whether you are lactating ('other health data'). Product availability data: we collect information about your country of residence to determine the availability of our products and services in your region and comply with local laws and regulations. 3. For what purposes will your personal data be used and on what basis? We process your identity and account data to fulfill a contract with you (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR). This data includes your name, email address, phone number, username, and password. They are essential for creating and managing your account with Auth0, allowing you access to, and use of, our services. To comply with our legal tax obligations (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR), we process specific personal data for tax purposes. This data may include your country of residence, tax identification number, or similar identification data, depending on the applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. We process your other personal data as indicated above for the following purposes, provided you have given your consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR): Creating and offering a personalised, online nutrition profile for the presentation of a selection of recipes based on your nutritional profile; Displaying ingredients in collaboration with local supermarkets: With your consent, we may use your location data to provide information about ingredients available at supermarkets we work with. This allows us to make personalised suggestions based on your dietary preferences. Sending nurture e-mails: We use your contact details to send you email messages such as updates on our latest features, reminders, and helpful content, to keep you informed and engaged with our services. Contacting for non-marketing purposes: We may use your personal data to respond to questions, feedback, or issues related to our services. This enables us to provide the necessary support and improve your experience. 4. Your legal rights Under data protection laws, you have various rights that you can exercise. These include: Right of access : You have the right to request access to your personal data that we have collected. This allows you to verify the information we process about you and ensure its lawful processing. Right to rectification : If you find that the personal data we process about you is incorrect or incomplete, you can request us to correct it. We will verify the accuracy of the new data before making changes to our systems. Right to erasure ('Right to be forgotten'): You have the right to request us to delete or erase your personal data if there is no longer a legal basis for processing it, for example, if you withdraw your consent. However, in some cases, we may be required to retain your data due to legal obligations or other legitimate purposes. Right to restrict processing : You can also request to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain situations, such as when you dispute the accuracy of the data or if the processing is unlawful. During the restriction, we will only process your data with your consent or for specific legal purposes. Right to data portability : You have the right to receive the personal data we have collected about you in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, so you can transfer it to another data controller. 5. Your rights – additional information Right to withdraw consent If the processing of your personal data is based on your prior, explicit consent, you will have the right to withdraw your explicit consent. Withdrawal of your expressed consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on your explicit consent before the withdrawal. Withdrawing consent is as easy as giving consent. If you have indicated that you want to receive our marketing messages, you will, for example, be given an opt-out option. If you no longer wish to give us permission to process certain personal data in your nutrition profile, you can delete it yourself in your nutrition profile. In principle, this is free of charge You do not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive, or exaggerated. We may also refuse to comply with your request in this case. Verification of your identity We may need to ask you for specific information that will allow us to confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data or exercise your other rights. This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to a person who does not have the right to receive this data. We may also contact you for further information regarding your request to speed up our response. 6. Data retention & security We retain your personal data only for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, particularly to comply with legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. When determining the appropriate retention period, we consider various factors, including the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your data, the purposes of processing, and whether these purposes can be achieved by other means than retaining your data. Our applications (websites) are secure, up-to-date, and comply with the latest security guidelines. Your personal data is securely stored on Google Cloud Platform (Google Ireland Limited) servers located within the European Union. These security measures are designed to protect your personal data from loss, unauthorized use, access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. We adhere to strict security procedures and company systems to ensure that your personal data is used only for the intended purpose and accessible to authorized employees, agents, contractors, and other third parties who need such information for business reasons. The access of these parties to personal data is limited to the necessary level for performing their duties, and all involved parties are bound by strict confidentiality obligations. 7. Third parties receiving personal data We share your personal data with third parties with whom we work to provide our products and services – only and to the extent necessary for the proper functioning of Verdi Food, with regard to the aforementioned purposes. Your personal data will not be shared with third parties for advertising or promotional purposes. In order to comply with our contractual obligations, we work specifically with: Genzai B.V. for building our website and its functionalities. Google Ireland Limited for the secure storage of your personal data. Auth0 Inc. for access and user management, authentication, and data security with data storage in the EU region. Brevo, France, for sending emails to our users. Zendesk Inc. for answering questions of users. Pinterest Europe Limited and Meta Platforms Ireland Limited for tracking and optimising conversions and campaign performance. We have imposed the same data protection and confidentiality obligations set out in this privacy statement on the third parties we work with. If and when we attract other third parties to provide our services, we will inform you about this, insofar as it concerns the sharing of your personal data. We will only enter into cooperation with a third party if this party can demonstrate that appropriate security measures have been taken and confidentiality can be guaranteed. 8. Closure You can contact the Privacy Officer by sending a written message to the above-mentioned postal address of Verdi Food B.V. or by emailing privacy@verdifood.com . Additionally, you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority, a Dutch authority overseeing data protection. You can reach the Dutch Data Protection Authority via the website https://www.autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl. We want to emphasize that if we need to collect personal data about you in the context of a contract we have concluded with you and you choose not to provide (some of) this personal data, we may not be able to perform or enter into the contract. In such a case, we reserve the right to cancel the parts of the contract that we cannot fulfill, and we will inform you if this is the case.